International Business High Level Panel:


Datum: 17. Februar 2017
Ort: National Defence Academy Vienna

This international business high level panel will be co-organized with the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs of Austria, the Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports of Austria, the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, the CSP Austrian Cybersecurity Platform and the EnergyPact Foundation and hosted by the Austrian National Defence Academy.

Digital technologies are impacting the way we do business today. This impacts all sectors but especially critical infrastructures like Energy, Telecommunications, Finance, Health and Transport. New technologies and changing business processes offer an abundance of opportunities but also an array of new threats. This conference is focused on strategic
leadership and digital change management in providing a forum for discussion on the digital transformation – maximizing opportunities and minimizing threats. 
Conference dialogue and discussion seek to provide national and international perspective and lessons learned on the development of a digital agenda which is resilient and prepared for the cyber challenges of the future. Specific discussion points include:

  • Converting digital security into strategic business value
  • Understanding the impact of changing threat landscape to the business model
  • Protecting digital innovation in the context of emerging cyberthreats
  • Identifying the essential elements of a viable ecosystem for strategic digital security
  • Empowering leadership in the digital age - identifying critical skills to make informed decisions in a digital age

AIT is scientific partner and co-organizer of the conference. Helmut Leopold, Head of Center for Digital Safety & Security, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology: "Innovation only happens through communication and combination of knowledge and technology. To achieve next generation security for future Industrial Control Systems and Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructures around the globe, we need new common concepts, new methodologies as well as new technologies. Therefore an intensive international discourse is needed to establish a global common understanding for cyber security as the basis for building highly resilient technical infrastructures. This conference, bringing together all relevant stakeholders from different disciplines, countries and organisations is the prime resource for achieving this goal."

Please find more information about the conference and the programme here:

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